09 May 2017

Will the U.S. Keep Up in Precision Medicine?

A recent post on The Hill points

09 May 2017

A recent post on The Hill points out that Precision Medicine is the “next Gold Rush.” Is the U.S. doing what it takes to keep up with the rest of the world?

As the authors state, rather than being contested in gold mines, this race will be contested in research labs, clinics, and patent offices. They point out that federal funding commitments will be needed to keep America in the running. The entire article is available here.

At Forentis we believe that the private sector needs to step up too, thus the impetus behind our Fund. Investing in the companies that are delivering new discoveries and creating intellectual property should pay big dividends as the race for cures and early diagnoses heats up.

“…precision medicine allows clinicians to advance beyond the relatively coarse diagnostic and therapeutic categories of the present day, towards a more targeted, fine-grained system, based in part on genetics and molecularly defined phenotypes.”

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